Articles and latest bulletins related to our rallies
Nominations for the 2023-24 Derbyshire Centre Committee
Every year each Centre of the Caravan and Motorhome Club must elect/re-elect a committee to carry out Centre business for the forthcoming year. Each position on the Centre committee lasts for one year only and therefore the formal election of committee positions occurs at each Annual General Meeting.
Whether current committee members seek to be re-elected into their current roles, i.e. Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer etc or whether a centre member wishes to apply for any committee position they must fill out a nomination form and be proposed and seconded by current Centre Members.
Nominations forms can be found by clicking on the READ MORE link below
Alternatively you can contact me via email at derbyshire.secretary@gmail.com to request a nomination form.
The document gives information about committee expectations and activities as well as a nomination form.
Any current registered Centre Member can apply for any of the committee positions. This means that several members may wish to apply for any of the committee positions and if more than one member applies for a specific position, a vote will be taken at the AGM. If a position is being re-applied for by a current committee member it doesn’t mean that someone else can’t apply for it.
The senior positions within the committee; Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer are the positions that must be filled in order for our Centre to continue.
The rest of the committee positions will be allocated specific roles by the elected Chair at the first meeting which is usually immediately after the AGM meeting. These roles include Rally Secretary, Vice Chair, Webmaster, Social Secretary, Equipment Officer, Statistics Officer, Assistant Rally Secretary. Depending on the size of the committee you may be asked to help with more than one role.
If you are interested in helping to continue and build on our fantastic Centre please consider applying.
Our 62nd Annual General Meeting takes place on Sunday 8th October 2023 at 14.00 hours at South Wingfield Social Club, DE55 7LX. Nominations for 2023-24 committee positions must be received by our current Centre Secretary no later than 14.00 hours on Sunday 24th September 2023.
Registrations open from 13.00 hours.
As nominations for committee are received, they will be published so that progress towards forming a committee can be followed.
Thank You
Helen Wanless
Derbyshire Centre Secretary