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Rally booking notifications to Marshals

We are aware that the emails Marshals receive when a rally booking is made are currently a little unclear. This issue is being worked on.
If you need any clarification on any bookings you receive, please contact

Christmas Party Rally update

Head over to the rally booking page to read what's in store for all at the Christmas Party Rally!

Incentives update

Following our recent committee meeting and in unanimous agreement on the centre needing to reduce outgoing expenditure due to the continued yearly shortfall(s) it has been agreed the rally incentive rewards for rallies attended and first time ralliers will no longer receive a monetary incentive voucher.

Rally attendance and milestones will still be recorded and recognised at AGM but without monetary reward.

We thank you in advance for understanding and your continued support with your centre

Helen Wanless
Derbyshire Centre Secretary


The 63rd Annual General Meeting of the Derbyshire Centre of the Caravan and Motorhome Club will be held at 14:00 on Saturday 21st September 2024 at Middleton Village Hall, Main St, Middleton, Matlock, DE4 4LQ.
As required by Centre Guidance, any two registered members may propose any registered member to be an Officer of the Committee of the Centre to which they are all registered.
Written nominations for election, confirmed by the nominee, the proposer and seconder, must be received by the Centre Secretary no later than fourteen days prior to the meeting, (14:00 Saturday 7th September 2024).
As required by Centre Guidance, Formal Notices of Motion, duly signed by the proposer and seconder, must be received in writing by the Centre Secretary no later than 35 days prior to the AGM, (14:00 Saturday 17th August 2024).
As required by Centre Guidance, only members who have registered, or re-registered, with the Centre at least 35 days prior to the date of the meeting (14:00 Saturday 17th August 2024) are entitled to speak, vote or to stand for election.
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting
3. Matters Arising
4. Chairman’s Report
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. Motions
7. Elections:
-A. Chairman
-B. Secretary
-C. Treasurer
-D. Committee
8. Appointment of Independent Accountant
9. Any Other Business
Helen Wanless
Derbyshire Centre Secretary

***Easter Away Rally dates amended***

To bring the Easter Rally in line with Derbyshire School Holiday dates the Tenby rally will now run from 12th April to the 21st April 2025.

Notice of Motion Received 13.08.2024

The following motion is proposed by Helen Wanless for discussion at the 63rd AGM of The Derbyshire Centre to be held at 14:00 Saturday 21st September 2024.

The committee roles of Rally Secretary and Social Secretary are no longer required to be “nominated specific roles”
The roles can be allocated following the appointment of committee members

Proposed By: Helen Wanless
Seconded By: Scott Wanless

Notice of motion

Notice of Motion Received 16.08.2024
The following motion is proposed by David Barber for discussion at the 63rd AGM of The Derbyshire Centre to be held at 14:00 Saturday 21st September 2024.

The issue concerning dogs being allowed or not into formal socials has been discussed informally on rally fields by several members.

To give members and opportunity to formally vote on this issue, the following is proposed;

Dogs are not permitted into socials within fixed halls or large marquees (eg Chairmans Rally, Celebratory Rallies)
Typically these socials will have loud music, lots of people moving around, possibly food served. Concerns are that this is not a suitable environment for numerous dogs.
The exception would be for officially recognised support dogs.

For small informal gatherings on a rally field, the marshals discretion would remain in place.

Proposed By: David Barber
Seconded By: Sharon Gascoyne

How to contact your Committee

Did you know that each Committee member has an email address? Please try to direct your communication to the correct person who can help you or raise at a Committee meeting on your behalf. All email addresses available here:

Nominations Received For 2024/25 Committee:

Chairman - Scott Wanless
Secretary - Helen Wanless
Treasurer - Simon Toplis
Rally Secretary -
Social Secretary -

General Committee:
Shaun Gascoyne
Denise Barber
Sherry Wilson
Craig Rolt
Kim Bond
Howard Moorby
Zara Young
Antony Turner
Michelle Turner
Rick Unwin

Thanks For Supporting Your Centre

The Closing Date For Committee Nominations was 14:00 Saturday 7th September

Rally Plaques Update

Following on from a suggestion made via the Suggestions Form on our Website to the committee regarding plaques, we have agreed to give members and visitors the option to opt in or out of receiving a Rally Plaque.

Due to minimum order quantities and rally pricing currently there is NO Discount if you choose not to receive one.

As most of the 2023 rally programmes have already gone live and bookings made we have only added this option to rallies with no marshals or no current bookings and we can review it after the 2024 rally programme has gone live.

Extra Extra.... Blog All About It!!

We have added a Centre Blog page to our website under the "News" section

The purpose of this blog is to create a more engaging website for our centre. Along with using our website to book rallies, find more information about our centre and services, a blog section helps to keep our members informed about topics that are relevant to our rallies and centre.
The first blogs are available now by clicking News then Centre Blog.

Rally Full Notice

If a rally is showing full and you would like to be added to a waiting list you can now fill out a waiting request form which will be sent to the Rally Secretary. Your details will then be sent to the Rally Marshals and if a place becomes available, you may be contacted to see if you still wish to attend. Just click on the “Rallies” drop down box, go to the rally waiting list and follow the instructions.

Payment of Rallies

Click on the link below to view changes to our payment policies....


© 2025 Derbyshire Centre. Proudly created for Derbyshire Centre by The Wix Builder

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Head Office

Caravan and Motorhome Club, East Grinstead House, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 1UA.

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