Greeting's Fellow Derbyshire Centre Members.
I wanted to to give an update following on from last night's committee meeting. You may recall our treasurer Simon give notice at the last AGM of his intentions to step down at the end of this term. We really need someone to step forward and shadow this role and be co-opt onto the committee until this years AGM with a view to take over next year. Without this position filled the centre will not be able to continue.
I also had to share the news with the committee last night that due to organisational changes within the BT Group, I have received my official redundancy paperwork and will leave my current role at the end of March. My obvious priorities going forward will be to secure a new occupation and do what is needed for my family. I therefore feel I will not be able to continue and give the centre the dedication I have for the last four years, especially in my current role of Chairman and have given my intentions to step down at the AGM.
Again, I would urge anyone interested in taking this role on again to shadow it by being co-opt onto the committee as Vice Chair with a view to becoming Chair next year. I hope you can appreciate my decision but volunteering has to come second to work and family.
Without these two roles filled, again to stress the Centre cannot run in accordance to the rules and regs governing centres from CAMC. Therefore we would become dormant and unable to rally.
We are a very successful centre with a large member base and although these roles may seem daunting I can assure you there is enough support and experience available to help and assist. It's also a rewarding role to give back to your centre.
If anyone is interested in either of these roles or would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Scott Wanless
Derbyshire Centre Chairman.