The New Year Rally 2023 went down with amazing success. The Facebook pictures and Videos showed just how much effort had gone into the rally.

The weather prior to the rally was challenging but the marshals managed to get everyone pitched on the waterlogged hardstanding pitches - Well done!

Lots of people made the effort to dress to impress, especially when it come to the music night!

There were food, socials and entertainment supplied throughout the whole rally and a copy of the broadsheet is shown below of the full rallies activities...

Notes from Flag that was delivered by John Strutt (Past Chairman)
Thank you for attending our annual New Year Rally at Matlock Rugby Club, we rally here with kind permission of the rugby club committee.
May I welcome our Past Chairman's Lesley Gregory with Dave, Barry Thomas with Lynda and myself John Strutt with Margaret and also extend the welcome to CAMC Executive Committee Member and Derbyshire Member Vince Mott with Linda.
We have had 29 attendees and we have visitors from North Staffordshire, Nottingham and North Yorkshire. (first time ralliers from North Yorkshire, mentioned they are Howard and Tilly Penn's friends and they are most welcome to join Derbyshire Centre in the future)
It was mentioned about the effort for all the activities, food and entertainment supplied during the rally and asked everyone to thank those involved in making it another success.
Thanks to the marshals Colin & Anita Bell, Gary & Maxine Pigeon and David & Leslie Gregory. (Marshals Plaques were Presented)
Future Rallies - 26 – 28 January is at Donnington Park Farmhouse. This rally has hardstanding, EHU, toilet facilities and also an evening social. (FULL with Waiting List)
Then we have on 2-4 February 2024, Sherwood Forest Holiday Park. Again, this rally is on a site and has full use of the facilities, hardstanding and EHU. (Limited Space Left)
Safe Journey Home.
The Rally Closed at 3pm.